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Who We Are

The amazing team that makes TN possible

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Heather Young

program manager, lead facilitator


Ashley Parilla

(she, her) lead facilitator 

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Luminesse Divina



Naomi Romulo



Sespe Miller

(they, them) lead facilitator 


Jazmin Hall



Amanda Tapia

admin coordinator + TN parent


Lindsay Kolasa

outreach coordinator + TN parent

Heather Young
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Heather Young

program manager, lead facilitator + parent wisdom circles


Ashley Parilla

(she, her) lead facilitator


Sespe Miller

(they, them)

lead facilitator

I am a third generation Santa Barbaran who, after having enjoyed living in a variety of beautiful places including rural Sonoma County, the Bay Area, the heart of Paris, France and SE Portland, Oregon, felt drawn back to the Santa Barbara area by the nourishing connection I feel with the landscape of my birthplace. For the first 15 years of my work life I worked with children in an assortment of settings including preschools, elementary schools, after-school and summer art programs. After earning undergraduate degrees in education and dance and a master's degree in consciousness studies (with a focus on Deep Ecology and expressive arts), I became certified as a yoga therapist, Pilates instructor and Wellsprings Continuum practitioner, and opened my own somatic arts studio in 2000. For the last 20 years, I have been on an extensive learning journey in the field of somatics, which has included working with developmental trauma and transgenerational healing. In addition to my somatic work, I have created and facilitated art enrichment programs for children since 2007. As a mother, I embraced the unusual path of raising my daughter as an unschooler, and have received a profound education through that continuing adventure. I have spent decades engaged in various ways with alternative education, nature connection, pathways into deeper embodiment, expressive arts, conscious parenting, personal and collective healing. I consider myself a life-long learner; always interested in, alongside the children and adults I am engaging with, continuing to learn and grow.

I was raised in Santa Barbara where some of my fondest memories as a child include climbing boulders at Rocky Nook and wading across Lake Los Carneros to a place we called Devil's Island. My own two children have a deep connection to this place as well and we homeschool together to make the most of their short childhood. Art finds its way into much that I do, whether it be spinning, painting, cooking or storytelling. I created the nature-based theater program Children's Theater Circle hoping to meld my love for the story with the beauty of nature. My studies have brought me to many places near and far including UC Berkeley, the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and the University of Bologna, Italy. Most recently I trained under Lia Grippo and Kelly Villaruel at the Academy of Forest Kindergarten Teachers. I am continually in pursuit of knowledge and am a new learner of herbalism, gardening, birding and willow basketry. I have found that children learn so much when we learn something new together and I always bring curiosity and wonder along in my back pocket.

Sespe Miller was born in Santa Barbara and raised on their father’s small organic farm tucked within the foothills above the city, where they as a family still farm to this day.  As a young and barefooted adventurous creature, they freely explored nearby canyons, willow thickets and chaparral forests where they fell deeply in love with the land, the waters, the birds and the animals. As they grew, so did their dedication and relationship to the land. Sespe would passionately fill their free time by studying animal tracks on sandy creek beds, eating Brodiaea root bulbs, and other wild edibles on the mountain slopes.  Sespe then apprenticed with Earth Walk Vermont, where they studied and practiced ancient teaching methods for 16 months, learning more about how to create a natural curriculum through seasonal rhythm.  They have also studied with the Academy of Forest Kindergarten Teachers and apprenticed for many years with Wild Roots director, Lia Grippo.  Realizing that nature is a tool to strengthen community, Sespe made it their goal to connect people to their natural surroundings and to study a variety of mentoring and teaching styles for adults and children.  Sespe has become a devoted basket weaver, having apprenticed with a master in the forests of Oregon. They love teaching adult weaving classes and various traditional crafts. Sespe is a skilled and knowledgeable naturalist, farmer, mentor, craftsperson and storyteller.  Sespe can usually be found making something useful and beautiful with their hands.  Sespe is loving life, learning whenever, wherever, and however they can and giving thanks for every moment.

Ashley Parilla
Sespe Miller

Naomi Romulo

facilitator + TN parent

I have lived in Santa Barbara most of my life. I also lived in Mexico for about three years with my husband and his family. We built a cob home there and enjoy returning to visit. We have three children. While one is grown, the other two are homeschooling. My youngest, Sitlali, has been participating in True North since last fall. I studied Spanish and Early Childhood Education at SBCC. I also graduated from the Barbara Brennan School of Healing. I have a life long interest in nature, natural health and natural living. I love reading and writing. While I went through public education, I found that it wasn't what I wanted for my children. I have always wanted to foster freedom, respect, and a love of learning. I am excited to support that in our True North Community. 

Naomi Romulo
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Luminesse Divina


Luminesse aka Lumifresh!

Is a Jazzy Soul, Humble Diva, Hawaiian Latina, Artist, Songwriter, Musician, Teacher, Fashion Designer, Creative Director, Producer, Sister, Daughter and Dog Mama!


Through Joyful expression of music she bridges space within each person to confidently connect to their unique creativity and free their inner songbird.


Her unique approach to creating event experiences has invited locals including musicians, dancers, artists, chefs, nonprofits, business owners, speakers etc. together building environments of diverse connection for all ages to enjoy.


“My music is a call to collaboration! May you experience deep resonance within who you are and how you are moved to serve. Through feeling into the unique Kuleana (divine call) we each are given, we come into harmony with our purpose. Sing with me! Move and create with me! Truly, we must cultivate Faith in Humanity.”






Luminesse Divina
Jazmin Hall

Jazmin Hall


I grew up going to a Montessori school, where I was given the guidance and space to follow my intuition and creativity regarding learning. It has shaped how I view education and the inherent wisdom we all carry with us when we cross the veil of the beyond to this life. To be given the space and environment to be here now, to be present, is such a gift and such a necessity for all of us beings, especially children. I have such love for TN for this reason; children can come to this environment completely as who they are. It offers them a place to develop such a beautiful presence that they can carry with them for their whole life. I love to be in nature, whether I am being active, or simply seated. You can call it a hobby/lifestyle/passion. I find that nature is a place that always recharges and lifts me up, raises my energy, and allows me to tap into the unconditional love, joy and gratitude that I always carry within.

Lindsay Kolasa

Lindsay Kolasa

outreach coordinator + TN parent

Lindsay Kolasa is an Herbalist, Naturalist, and Soul-worker...and my work leans on common sense and is fed by observation and awareness. First and foremost, I am a life-learner. I have a knack for organizing people and bringing people together for a common vision as well as starting new, soulful and innovative projects for social and environmental betterment. The heart of my work is stewarding connection to the earth through place-based education and learning. I draw from many tools in my toolkit such as crafting, art, food, story, narrative medicine, herbalism, group facilitation, and journeys into the outdoors.


Due to my own health crisis that began in 2001, my path has been a long and winding one…of healing, break-throughs, insights, and awareness around trauma & recovery, the microbiome, trans-generational trauma, biodiversity, and tending the fractures in the relationship between humans and the earth.


My training is in print journalism, geography, western herbalism, traditional food ways, meditation, yoga, dream-work, ancestral/lineage-based healing, circle work, and soul-work. As well, I have experience in non-profit management, program development and organizational development.  You can visit my website here:

Amanda Tapia

Amanda Tapia

admin coordinator + TN parent

I have been living in Santa Barbara for about 9 years now. I live here with my husband Joshua and my son Malakai. Currently, I am obtaining my Master's in Education while being a SAHM. I have a multiple subject teaching credential and my BA in Liberal Studies. I have been working in various educational settings for about 16 years. I have worked in public schools for most of that time, wearing many hats. I've also worked in pre-schools and after-school programs. Before rooting ourselves in SB we went abroad to teach English in China as well. My main passion in life is learning, education, and advocating for children. While taking classes to obtain my teaching credential I read about unschooling, deschooling, Sudbury schools, and alternative forms of education. After rigorously studying the history of education in the US, these methods spoke to me and what I believed education could be, even before I entered the classroom. I am an advocate for equity in education. I have learned much about myself and how I was "educated". When I became a parent (and even before then) I was immediately attracted to attachment parenting, peaceful parenting and overall just being respectful to this new life that I have the privilege of caring for. This is a long journey for me to be here with True North. I feel beyond blessed to find a community that understands and values what education can be for ourselves and our children!

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 Contact Heather Young - Program Manager


Santa Barbara, California

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